Letter to Your Senator or Representative: Re: War Spending 2012 Budgets May 2, 2011 Even after Bin Laden's death Congress and oligarch media are preparing the American people to double down to pay for even more war instead of declaring "mission accomplished". Regardless of political party, you can copy and paste and then address it to your Representative and Senator and sign it with your information. Then send and pass it on so others can send!) Make some noise! If you can't you should read AWOL.
Letter to Your Senator and Representative 04/23/2011 Re:Stealing From Social Security & Medicare to Pay for the Wars April 23, 2011 (You know about the excuses to cut Medicare and Social Security? Well Congress has stolen the surpluses to fund the wars and now they don't want to pay it back. Regardless of political party, you can copy and paste and then address it to your Representative and Senator and sign it with your information. Then send and pass it on so others can send!) Make some noise! If you can't you should read AWOL.
Letter to Your Representative or Senator Re: the Debt Ceiling April 17, 2011 (Regardless of political party, you can copy and paste and then address it to your Representative and Senator and sign it with your information. Then send and pass it on so others can send!) Make some noise! If you can't you should read AWOL.
Open Letter to Speaker Boehner 4/10/11 -Re: Raising the Debt Ceiling (This letter is an open letter sent to the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner and copied to the whole of Congress, regardless of political party. You can copy, paste and replace your information with mine. Then send and pass it on so others can send!) Make some noise! If you can't you should read AWOL.
Open Letter to Paul Ryan 4/17/11 Re: The Debt Ceiling (This letter is an open letter sent to the House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and copied to the whole of Congress, regardless of political party. You can copy, paste and replace your information with mine. Then send and pass it on so others can send!) Make some noise. If you can't you should read AWOL.
Open Letter to All Tea Party Organizations April 10, 2011 Re: Messaging (The message from Tea Party leaders has changed and instead of fighting corporate control of Congress they depend on it. They have injected abortion, shariah law and the birther issue into their message. The results? The Tea Party got clobbered over the 2011 budget and it is poised for the same for the 2012 budget. They got clobbered because the Tea Party no longer represents anti-war funding. If you consider yourself or use to consider yourself part of the "Tea Party" this letter was written to the "Tea Party" organizations asking them what the hell do they think they are doing. Their leadership has abandoned the very reason the movement started. I invite you to copy, paste and then address it and sign it and send it to them. Post it on their websites and pass it on) The Tea Party is being abandoned in record numbers. They are no longer relevant because of their leadership. Get their leadership back on track or they will lose their following. They already are because they no longer carry the message to stop funding the wars.
Open Letter to "Tea Partiers" April 16, 2011 Re: What do you Stand For (Do you know of someone that says they are a "Tea Partier" because they hate Obama, question where he was born, is anti-abortion and thinks that cutting crap instead of cutting funding to the wars is what the Tea Party is all about? Then copy and paste this letter. Tweak the address and sign it and send it to them. Post it on Tea Party sites and forums wherever you see those truly distracting issues being debated. Tell them they are hurting the movement because people are leaving it. Tell them they are getting clobbered over the budget because of them. Make some noise. If you can't you should read AWOL.